Friday, 28 October 2011

PHPUnit Pocket Guide

PHPUnit Pocket Guide
Author: Sebastian Bergmann
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0596101031

PHPUnit Pocket Guide

Smart web developers will tell you that the sooner you detect your code mistakes, the quicker you can fix them, and the less the project will cost in the long run. Get PHPUnit Pocket Guide computer books for free.
Well, the most efficient way to detect your mistakes in PHP is with PHPUnit, an open source framework that automates unit testing by running a battery of tests as you go. The benefits of PHPUnit are significant:a reduction in the effort required to frequently test code fewer overall defects added confidence in your code improved relations with your open source teammates The only problem with this popular testing tool was its lack of documentation-until now, that is. For this, O'Reilly went right to the source, as Sebastian Bergmann, the author of PHPUnit Pocket Guide, also h Check PHPUnit Pocket Guide our best computer books for 2013. All books are available in pdf format and downloadable from rapidshare, 4shared, and mediafire.


PHPUnit Pocket Guide Free

Well, the most efficient way to detect your mistakes in PHP is with PHPUnit, an open source framework that automates unit testing by running a battery of tests as you go For this, O'Reilly went right to the source, as Sebastian Bergmann, the author of PHPUnit Pocket Guide, also h

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