Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Your Own Database Driven Website using PHP MySql - Connecting MySql Database to Webpages

Your Own Database Driven Website using PHP MySql - Connecting MySql Database to Webpages
Author: Somnath PaulChoudhury
Edition: 1
Binding: Kindle Edition

Your Own Database Driven Website using PHP MySql - Connecting MySql Database to Webpages (Web Development)

Connecting a database to a webpage leads to interactive participation and not as static information being displayed. Get Your Own Database Driven Website using PHP MySql - Connecting MySql Database to Webpages computer books for free.
MySQL database can store records in tables which can be accessed (both updated and retrieved) through webpage forms.

This book will be useful for anyone who wants to understand how to connect a MySQL database to a web page. It is also intended for someone, who has ever wondered, "How a webpage displays the result of a candidate given her unique_id as input"? As in every remote school, colleges results are published on their respective notice boards, the same can be done in their website and viewed by all. Also one can prepare feedback forms that can be filled up online. Such data can be either used to update a Check Your Own Database Driven Website using PHP MySql - Connecting MySql Database to Webpages our best computer books for 2013. All books are available in pdf format and downloadable from rapidshare, 4shared, and mediafire.


Your Own Database Driven Website using PHP MySql - Connecting MySql Database to Webpages Free

MySQL database can store records in tables which can be accessed (both updated and retrieved) through webpage forms.

This book will be useful for anyone who wants to understand how to connect a MySQL database to a web page. It is also intended for someone, who has ever wondered, "How a webpage displays the result of a candidate given her unique_id as input"? As in every remote school, colleges results are published on their respective notice boards, the same can be done in their website and viewed by all. Also one can prepare feedback forms that can be filled up online ySQL database can store records in tables which can be accessed (both updated and retrieved) through webpage forms.

This book will be useful for anyone who wants to understand how to connect a MySQL database to a web page. It is also intended for someone, who has ever wondered, "How a webpage displays the result of a candidate given her unique_id as input"? As in every remote school, colleges results are published on their respective notice boards, the same can be done in their website and viewed by all. Also one can prepare feedback forms that can be filled up online. Such data can be either used to update a

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